About 180 Proof

About an absurdist bluesman (b. 1963, NYC) ...

i. "Why is there anything at all?" Because
(A) 'absence of the possibility of anything at all' – nothing-ness – is impossible, to wit:
(B1) there is not any possible version of the actual world that is 'the negation of the actual world' (i.e. nothing-ness);
(B2) there is not any possible world in which it is true that 'a possible world is not a possible world' (i.e. nothing-ness);
(C) the only ultimate why-answer that does not beg the question is There Is No Ultimate Why-Answer.

ii. existence in its entirety is the ultimate, unbounded brute fact; therefore, all existents – facts events things persons – are necessarily contingent.

iii. the real (e.g. existence) encompasses reasoning (e.g. naturalism); therefore, reasoning cannot encompass (i.e. causally explain) the real.


we h. sapiens are embodied subjects; our minds are nonmind-dependent; neglecting our species functional defects makes us dysfunctional, or harms us (natural fact), and harm – disvalue – solicits help/care (moral fact) to which either we effectively respond or we do not (moral truth).

:death: :flower:
Location NW Absurdistan
Posts 14,140
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Site Role Member, Debater
Favourite philosophers ... Epicurus-Lucretius ... Seneca-Epictetus ... Spinoza ... Zapffe-Camus ... W. Kaufmann ... I. Murdoch-P. Foot ... A. Murray ... C. Rosset ... D. Deutsch ... V. Stenger ... N.N. Taleb ... C. West ... D. Schweickart ... M. Nussbaum ... Meillassoux-Brassier ...T. Metzinger ...
Favourite quotations
A freethinker's faith:
Both you and I are unbelievers, the only difference is I'm consistent. The reason you don't believe in all other gods (except one) is the very same reason I also don't believe in your god. The point is: I do not have superstitious or religious commitments. What I trust, or believe in, is impersonal reality (re: public evidence and sound arguments).
— ben ward, 1992

What is the nature of both reality and human well-being? — 180 Proof, 2008

How does one (categorically) predicate that which necessarily precedes, and thereby exceeds, all predicates?180 Proof

We cannot agree on 'what there is' because any determination – ontological commitment – reflects our interests/biases or some domain with which we're engaged. Thus, the history of incommensurable, divergent, metaphysics.180 Proof

[W]e are not "ultimate beings" and, with only proximate metacognition, our conceptions, like the apophatic theologians teach, are wholly inadequate for grasping that which necessarily is beyond our reach anyway.180 Proof
